26 Jun

Are you someone who recently underwent a teeth whitening process? 

Well, it is necessary to be consistent with the result and to find a way to maintain it longer. Everybody wants their smile to be perfect and beautiful for a long time. A white and crystal-clear smile can make your personality amazing and make you more confident when entering any room. This article will discuss the major steps to maintaining a tooth-whitening smile. So, to know more about the same, stay consistent with the article.   

What does teeth whitening mean?  

After finishing these procedures, you must take post-treatment steps to keep your teeth white, especially in the days afterwards. The teeth become slightly more porous after the whitening, temporarily impacting the underlying dentin layer. Therefore, when dyes and pigments from some foods and drinks interact with sensitive teeth, they can cause new discolorations and stains.  

Foods that you need to avoid after zoom teeth whitening



Whether red or white, wine can be detrimental to a tooth's hue and outer layer. Teeth whitening dentist suggest that red wine contains many acids, and its dark color makes it easy to stain. Surprisingly, white wines, despite being lighter in color than red wines, can erode the teeth's enamel. 

Coffee and Tea

People may find it rather difficult to let go of their coffee or tea for a few days. Although you may want that morning cup of coffee to kickstart your day, it is worth it to avoid the number one source of stains. 

Tea and coffee are big culprits here. This is because they contain tannins that accumulate on the surface of your teeth and cause discoloration. After some professional dental whitening, your teeth are at their highest porosity, and tannins can stain teeth much faster.  

Soft Drinks

If there is a liquid that fizzes when any other substance is dropped in it, then you had better stay away from this liquid. They come with a high sugar and/or acid content that is notorious for eradicating the outer layer of the teeth. An emergency dentist near me also says that darker-colored colas also make the surface of anything they are in contact with appear stained. Drinking even non-sweet carbonated beverages would also be beneficial in achieving whiter teeth if you did not follow the White Diet. 

Candy & Chocolate

In my opinion, people should avoid refined sugars, but mainly after teeth whitening since the teeth are sensitive and may lead to decay, erosion, and discoloration. It is also important to ensure that you do not take foods such as chocolate or candies of artificial color immediately after the procedure. 

Dark Fruits

Fruits with dark colors are likely to contain pigments that tend to discolor your teeth. However, the acidity of food, including fruits, may also cause enamel deterioration. It is recommended to abstain from fruits rich in dark juices like raspberries, cherries, pomegranates, blackberries, and blueberries. Dentist in houston says to avoid these fruits in juices as well.  

In Conclusion 

 This article states how you can keep your teeth white by avoiding these types of teeth. You can also get the best teeth whitening kit to make your teeth sparkle at home. By doing things right, you can gain the confidence of the audience. 

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